Saturday, 14:00 - 18:00 CEST | |
Job Fair --
Looking for job opportunities in a company that cares about Debian? Visit our job fair and talk with representatives of some of our major sponsors about available positions. There will also be a job corner with posters and leaflets from our sponsors. |
Elsewhere |
Saturday, 15:30 - 17:00 CEST | |
Coffee & Snacks --
Coffee & Snacks |
Elsewhere |
Saturday, 18:30 - 20:30 CEST | |
Preparations --
There are things to be done and volunteers are needed. Coordination will take place at the Under Heidelberg hacklab. |
Elsewhere |
Saturday, 21:30 - 00:00 CEST | |
Debian Birthday Party --
The Debian project turns 22 - let's celebrate! |
Elsewhere |
Saturday, 22:00 - 00:00 CEST | |
Concert: bellsparx --
From Mannheim, bellsparx will be playing in the downstairs disco. Their music is Free and might be described as experimental rock. Please follow the link(s) to get more information Tracks:
Elsewhere |
Sunday, 15:30 - 17:00 CEST | |
Coffee & Snacks --
Coffee & Snacks |
Elsewhere |
Monday, 15:30 - 16:30 CEST | |
Coffee & Snacks --
Coffee & Snacks |
Elsewhere |
Monday, 20:30 - 21:00 CEST | |
Preparations --
There are things to be done and volunteers are needed. Coordination will take place at the Under Heidelberg hacklab. |
Elsewhere |
Monday, 21:00 - 00:00 CEST | |
Cheese and Wine Party! -- Nicolas Dandrimont
Speaker: Nicolas Dandrimont
The traditional DebConf Cheese and Wine party! Bring cheese, wine or any other goods you think are representative from your country/region/town/borough/house/garden. No limit as long as it is: • tasty • preferrably smelly • able to survive a few days before being used. |
Elsewhere |
Tuesday, 16:00 - 16:20 CEST | |
Group photo -- Aigars Mahinovs
Speaker: Aigars Mahinovs
This year the group photo will take place in the grass behind the talk rooms. Tracks:
Elsewhere |
Tuesday, 16:00 - 17:00 CEST | |
Coffee & Snacks --
Coffee & Snacks |
Elsewhere |
Tuesday, 20:30 - 00:00 CEST | |
A practical introduction to English Country Dancing (leisure-time activity) -- Karsten Merker
Speaker: Karsten Merker
English Country Dance is a traditional form of folk dance which is based on performing a series of dance figures together with the neigbouring dancers who form a "set" (usually consisting of 4 dancers). Many of these dances are structured in a way that there are two counter-movements in the dance which lead to changing sets with each round of the music, so that during the dance, everybody gets do dance with everybody else. Historically, English Country Dances were built up from a number of "couples", i.e. female dancers on one side of the set and male dancers on the other, but this is just a convention; the basic dance figures are the same for all dancers and it is absolutely common in modern sets to have some women dancing in the men's position and vice versa. Traditional English Country Dancing does not happen in classical "dancing hold"; instead the dancers in a set are only "loosely coupled", either moving on their own or while giving a hand to their current partner, so nobody has to fear stepping on anybody's toes :-). The basic dance figures are easy to learn and no prior dancing experience is necessary. The idea behind this event is to teach the basic dance figures and a number of easy dances, and simply have a lot of fun together. We will have live music, kindly provided by some of our fellow DDs. Please register for the event if you would like to take part, as we need to reserve a room which is large enough for all dancers. The number of participants is in principle unlimited, as long as we can get a large enough room. |
Elsewhere |
Wednesday, 09:00 - 18:00 CEST | |
Daytrip! --
A fundamental part of DebConf is knitting the Debian project into a community. Spending a day away from code and talks is a great way to do it! |
Elsewhere |
Wednesday, 20:00 - 00:00 CEST | |
Concert: Oktober Folk Club --
From Munich, the three guys of Oktober Folk Club will be mingling with folks to play 1920s-style jug-band blues on banjo, fiddle, and a washing trough as base. |
Elsewhere |
Wednesday, 20:30 - 00:00 CEST | |
Debconf Poetry Night -- Rhonda D'Vine
Speaker: Rhonda D'Vine
This is the third installment of a Poetry Night at debconf. The first event at debconf12 was a success, with people presenting poems/poetry from all round the world in different languages. At debconf13 it did continue at the bonfire during the 20th year celebration. Lets continue this and present poems/poetry that touches our heart, either of our own or from artist we adore, in whatever style or language it might be. Tracks:
Elsewhere |
Thursday, 14:00 - 14:45 CEST | |
Debian Women BoF -- Margarita Manterola
Speaker: Margarita Manterola
* We will meet at the stones at the end of the venue * Debian Women is the project to bring more women to contribute to Debian. It was founded 11 years ago, during DebConf4. In the past we've done several different activities (mentoring, irc tutorials, mini-debconfs and others) and now we need new ideas for things to try that may help bring more women to participate in Debian. If you have experienced or witnessed obstacles preventing women from participating in Debian and/or you have ideas of things that we may do to make more interested women able to participate, please join us to discuss this. Mini agenda for the meeting: A) Brainstorm problems that women face when approaching Debian / trying to contribute. B) Brainstorm things that Debian Women could do to make the situation better. C) If we find some nice ideas and volunteers to do them, try to commit to making them a reality. Please note that everyone that shares the goal of helping more women participate in Debian is welcome, regardless of their gender. Tracks:
Elsewhere |
Thursday, 16:00 - 17:00 CEST | |
Coffee & Snacks --
Coffee & Snacks |
Elsewhere |
Thursday, 16:15 - 18:00 CEST | |
Conference Dinner Transportation --
Conference Dinner Transportation |
Elsewhere |
Thursday, 18:00 - 21:00 CEST | |
Conference dinner --
DebConf social conference dinner |
Elsewhere |
Thursday, 21:00 - 22:30 CEST | |
Conference Dinner Transportation --
Conference Dinner Transportation |
Elsewhere |
Friday, 16:00 - 17:00 CEST | |
Coffee & Snacks --
Coffee & Snacks |
Elsewhere |
Saturday, 16:00 - 17:00 CEST | |
Coffee & Snacks --
Coffee & Snacks |
Elsewhere |