Saturday 10:30 - 11:15 CEST | |
Let's get ready to Go -- Margarita Manterola
Speaker: Margarita Manterola
This talk is an introduction to the Go language. It will go over what Go is and what it's not. A little bit of its history, the basics of the language and a few live demos. It will also cover the state of Go in the free software world in general and Debian in particular. Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Saturday 15:00 - 15:20 CEST | |
What to expect from MySQL 5.7 -- Norvald H. Ryeng
Speaker: Norvald H. Ryeng
MySQL 5.7 contains more new functionality and improvements than any previous release. Some of these changes were made specifically to make packaging of MySQL and software that uses MySQL easier, often based on input from package maintainers in Debian and other distros. Join us for a tour of packaging improvements and challenges, and how we work with these topics upstream. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Saturday 15:30 - 16:15 CEST | |
Lightning talks -- Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
Speaker: Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
They're talks. They go like lightning. Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Sunday 11:00 - 11:45 CEST | |
AppStream, Limba, XdgApp: Where we are going. -- Matthias Klumpp
Speaker: Matthias Klumpp
AppStream is a metadata-enhancement project for both Linux distributions and upstream projects which develop for Linux. It allows upstreams to provide distributors with a machine-readable description of an application or generic software package, links to screenshots and websites and several other useful metadata. It also allows projects to assign a unique identifier to their software, which allows other software to find it in the distribution's package repositories. AppStream also is the basis for new exciting projects, like automatic UEFI firmware updates. The first half of the talk will go into detail about why we need AppStream, and the work which was done to integrate it with Debian. The second half of the talk will give an overview on the current plans to change the way software is distributed on Linux. Traditionally upstream software is packaged by a downstream Linux distributor and then released as a Linux distribution. Currently, work is going on on solutions to allow projects to distribute their software directly to the end user, as well as for sandboxing the 3rd-party software and isolating it from the rest of the system. I will give a brief introduction on the Limba and XdgApp approaches to the software-distribution issue, and what we at Debian should prepare for in future. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Community BOF -- Wouter Verhelst
Speaker: Wouter Verhelst
Debian used to have a reputation of having a rather harsh community, where flamewars were the normal way of handling conflict. Over the past decade or so, however, things have gradually improved to the point where this is no longer the case. In recent years, we've had two general resolutions in this area: the diversity statement in 2012, and the code of conduct in 2014. Together, they are the Debian community's instruments in ensuring that our project remains a welcoming environment. Are these instruments working? Do we need more of these? Or are we perhaps overreaching in our effort to keep discussion civil, to a point where these instruments are counterproductive? Let's talk about that. Tracks:
Amsterdam |
Auditors Workshop -- Héctor Orón Martínez
Speaker: Héctor Orón Martínez
Informal Auditor Team meet-up Tracks:
Helsinki |
Sunday 15:30 - 16:15 CEST | |
Git BoF -- Richard Hartmann
Speaker: Richard Hartmann
How do you use Git for code, personal files, and Debian? Tracks:
Amsterdam |
Sunday 17:30 - 17:50 CEST | |
Why favour Icinga over Nagios? -- Markus Frosch
Speaker: Markus Frosch
We try to explain some of the problems Nagios has had for years, what the differences to Icinga are, and how Icinga 2 can ease up monitoring in small, as well as really big environments. Most sysadmins have a love-hate relationship with Nagios based monitoring solutions. Backed by a sizable community, users have learned to live with it’s shortcomings in scaling, configuration, and modern integration options. Taking advantage of the tremendous number of supported hard- and software, Icinga leaves all legacy limitations behind. It delivers an easily scalable solution, with clustering, load balancing, automated replication, and even business process monitoring out-of-the-box. Based on a new configuration format with advanced language features - like conditional processing and complex type support - monitoring agile environments works like a breeze. Existing modules for Puppet, Chef and Ansible ramp up the rollout time and ensure a continuous and up to date monitoring environment. The talk will demonstrate how popular tools such as Graphite, Logstash, or Graylog integrate better and easier than ever before. In addition to that we’ll introduce the new Icinga Web 2 interface and give a brief introduction into the technical architecture. Icinga is shipped with Debian for years now, and we brought Icinga 2 into Debian just after its first stable release, which is know included in Jessie. I will show you the safe and most recent update channels for your environment. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Sunday 18:00 - 18:45 CEST | |
Bits from the DPL -- Neil McGovern
Speaker: Neil McGovern
The annual State of the Union address Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Live demos -- Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
Speaker: Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
Show off your project! NB: It will be mandatory to set up your laptop before the session, in order to assure a smooth transition between speakers. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Monday 11:00 - 16:00 CEST | |
Live packaging workshop -- Andreas Tille
Speaker: Andreas Tille
I'd like to give a packaging workshop with the goal to do some "live packaging" on some software which is not yet included in Debian but wanted by some attendee of the workshop. So if you want to join this workshop please be prepared by bringing your own Laptop as well as a target software to package. Tracks:
Stockholm |
Monday 11:00 - 11:20 CEST | |
Fifty shades of MIA -- Ricardo Mones
Speaker: Ricardo Mones
The unbelievable story of a team committed to make you to work less so Debian can be better. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Monday 11:00 - 11:45 CEST | |
The initramfs in stretch -- Ben Hutchings
Speaker: Ben Hutchings
initramfs-tools in Debian is on life support. None of the current maintainers has a lot of time for it. Aside from the fsck/mount changes that came far too late into the jessie release cycle, maintenance is mostly reactive. Although the Ubuntu maintainers are doing some work on it, their branch has diverged quite a way and they haven't sent any changes to Debian for a long time. initramfs-tools depends on udev, which will probably become dependent on D-Bus by the time of stretch release. The system bus would probably have to be set up by systemd running as init. I think that this would require rewriting much of initramfs-tools. dracut has been adopted by several other distributions and has an active upstream, but it doesn't yet work as well in Debian. In particular, many of the Debian packages that hook into initramfs-tools don't hook into dracut (and it has weaker support for such hooks). It does already support the use of systemd as init in the initramfs. I believe we have to make a decision soon as to which of these to use by default in stretch, and then begin work on the necessary changes. Tracks:
Helsinki |
Monday 11:30 - 11:50 CEST | |
Debian GNU/Hurd status update -- Samuel Thibault
Speaker: Samuel Thibault
This will give a brief update on the progress of the GNU/Hurd port in the past few years. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Monday 14:00 - 14:45 CEST | |
QtQuick for beginners -- Sune Vuorela
Speaker: Sune Vuorela
QtQuick is the current best maintained and actively developed way of making graphical applications in a nice and mostly declarative way. This talk will give you a introduction to the concepts and basic workings of QtQuick. Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Monday 15:00 - 15:45 CEST | |
What's new in the Linux kernel -- Ben Hutchings
Speaker: Ben Hutchings
The Linux kernel is under rapid development. Stable releases are made around 5 times per year, each including many new features and support for new hardware. This talk will summarise the features that have been added and enabled in the last year. There have been many changes to Linux between 3.16 and 4.1. Some of these will require new or updated userland applications to take advantage of them. I will attempt to summarise the most interesting changes and the state of integration in Debian. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
ARM ports BoF -- Steve McIntyre
Speakers: Steve McIntyre, Wookey
Discussion of the state of the ARM ports, and planning for the future. Tracks:
Amsterdam |
Monday 17:00 - 17:45 CEST | |
Debian Installer: Jessie & Stretch -- Cyril Brulebois
Speaker: Cyril Brulebois
This talk will include a wrap-up of important changes that happened during the Jessie release cycle, and also present what's happening during the Stretch one. Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Monday 18:00 - 18:45 CEST | |
mips* porter meeting -- Andi Barth
Speaker: Andi Barth
Porter meeting for mips*-architectures Tracks:
Helsinki |
Tuesday 14:00 - 14:45 CEST | |
Xen upstream BoF -- Ian Campbell
Speakers: Ian Campbell, Ian Jackson
The Xen upstream developers would like to to open up a session to users of Xen within the Debian community as well as the packagers of Xen and packages which depend upon or integrate with Xen. We are interested in use case and pain points for end users as well as discovering what upstream could do to make things easier in order to improve the Xen experience in Debian. Tracks:
Helsinki |
Tuesday 16:00 - 16:20 CEST | |
Group photo -- Aigars Mahinovs
Speaker: Aigars Mahinovs
This year the group photo will take place in the grass behind the talk rooms. Tracks:
Elsewhere |
Tuesday 17:00 - 17:45 CEST | |
Bof: Debian in Corporate IT -- Michael Meskes
Speaker: Michael Meskes
Debian while seeing more deployment in corporate IT still gets neglected by a lot of companies for various reasons. This BoF is to discuss whether or not we care, and if we do, how to improve our standing and the impact cloud computing has on this topic. Tracks:
Helsinki |
Wednesday 20:30 - 00:00 CEST | |
Debconf Poetry Night -- Rhonda D'Vine
Speaker: Rhonda D'Vine
This is the third installment of a Poetry Night at debconf. The first event at debconf12 was a success, with people presenting poems/poetry from all round the world in different languages. At debconf13 it did continue at the bonfire during the 20th year celebration. Lets continue this and present poems/poetry that touches our heart, either of our own or from artist we adore, in whatever style or language it might be. Tracks:
Elsewhere |
Thursday 11:00 - 11:45 CEST | |
Debian Website Single Sign-On -- Martin Zobel-Helas
Speakers: Enrico Zini, Martin Zobel-Helas
Status on the setup of DACS, OAUTH2 Tracks:
Helsinki |
Thursday 15:00 - 15:45 CEST | |
Lightning talks -- Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
Speaker: Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
They're talks. They go like lightning. Tracks:
Heidelberg |
DSA BoF -- Martin Zobel-Helas
Speaker: Martin Zobel-Helas
What has DSA done for you and what you can do for DSA. The (nearly) yearly Q&A Session with your friendly DSA Team. Tracks:
Amsterdam |
Friday 10:00 - 10:45 CEST | |
Onwards to Stretch (and other items from the Release Team) -- Niels Thykier
Speaker: Niels Thykier
The Release Team will be reflecting on the Jessie and the Stretch release cycle. Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Friday 11:00 - 11:45 CEST | |
SPI BOF -- Bdale Garbee
Speaker: Bdale Garbee
Software in the Public Interest is the legal and financial umbrella organization providing services to Debian in the United States. This session will provide an opportunity to meet the members of the SPI board attending Debconf, hear a brief update on the organization's activities in the last year, and get your questions answered. Tracks:
Amsterdam |
Friday 14:00 - 14:45 CEST | |
Live demos -- Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
Speaker: Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
Show off your project! NB: It will be mandatory to set up your laptop before the session, in order to assure a smooth transition between speakers. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Debian CD discussion -- Steve McIntyre
Speaker: Steve McIntyre
Discussion of the state of our installation and other images we build, and planning for the future. Tracks:
Amsterdam |
Friday 15:00 - 15:45 CEST | |
Ideas! -- Paul Wise
Speaker: Paul Wise
Got brain overload due to DebConf!? Dump your ideas here. Crazy ideas, hard ideas, easy ideas, impossible ideas, forgotten ideas, we want them all. Bring your creativity! There is no such thing as a bad idea and no idea is too crazy to say out loud. Tracks:
Helsinki |
Friday 18:00 - 18:20 CEST | |
DebConf16 -- Stefano Rivera
Speaker: Stefano Rivera
Overview of DebConf16, in Cape Town Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Friday 18:30 - 18:50 CEST | |
DebConf17 Proposals --
Speakers: Martín Ferrari, Tássia Camões Araújo, Giacomo Catenazzi
Interested in having DebConf17 in your city? Come and show us your early plans! Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Saturday 15:00 - 15:45 CEST | |
Lightning talks -- Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
Speaker: Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
They're talks. They go like lightning. Tracks:
Heidelberg |