Saturday 17:00 - 17:20 CEST | |
GNU/kFreeBSD explained -- Steven Chamberlain
Speaker: Steven Chamberlain
An overview of how GNU/kFreeBSD works, and what it can do. We present a rationale for porting work within Debian, and think about the future. There will be a live demo of a jessie-kfreebsd system. Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Saturday 17:30 - 17:50 CEST | |
Linux in the City of Munich (AKA LiMux) -- Jan-Marek Glogowski
Speaker: Jan-Marek Glogowski
Technically started in 2005, Munich's LiMux project was officially and successfully finished in 2013; albeit with a long delay, compared to our initial project plan, as much more work croped up. Nevertheless the work on our Linux client(s) continues. New releases get rolled out, bugs get fixed and new features are implemented to improve the client, adapt it to the changing needs of the municipal IT, and support our users. This talk will put the spotlight on the current situation and does a quick glance on the history, the technical tools used to manage our 33 000 users and 18 000 clients and a little future outlook. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Saturday 18:00 - 18:45 CEST | |
Creating a more inviting environment for newcomers - New experiences from MoM, SoB, Teammetrics -- Andreas Tille
Speaker: Andreas Tille
Since 2008 I'm working on graphing data about teams in Debian. In 2011 a GSoC project "Teammetrics" established some better infrastucture and some additional measures were added. The last addition was a number of maintainers per packaging graph which also creates some enlightment how good a team works together. Besides measuring how teams are working together I'd like to explain ways how to gain new team members by lowering the entry barrier. This is done in the Mentoring of the Month project for Debian Med. I was also running a Mentoring of the Month for Women by droping the constraint of medical software. It was a specific challenge for me to introduce an outsider into a team I'm no member of and where I was unaware of the specific team policy. Tracks:
Amsterdam |
Sunday 17:00 - 17:20 CEST | |
Cumulus Linux: Debian for Network Switches -- Nolan Leake
Speaker: Nolan Leake
Cumulus Linux is a Debian derivative distribution that runs on Network Switches. This talk will introduce the distribution and its use cases, as well as discuss our relationship with Debian and other upstream projects. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Monday 18:00 - 18:45 CEST | |
hLinux: HP's Debian derivative a year later -- Joshua Powers
Speaker: Joshua Powers
A year after visiting DebConf14 the HP's hLinux team would like to present on a few of the efforts, lessons learned, and direction of hLinux. We also want to solicit feedback. Presented by Joshua Powers (HP). Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Tuesday 11:00 - 11:45 CEST | |
Debian GIS BoF -- Andreas Tille
Speaker: Andreas Tille
The Debian GIS Blend gained some new activists in the last two years. So its time to reserve a slot for GIS enthusiasts in Debian to meet in one place and discuss common issues and further development. I'd like to present some teammetrics stats and give some short introduction into the Blends GSoC project to rewrite Blends tasks pages to ask for comments about potential enhancements which could help the Debian GIS team. I'd be more than happy if somebody of Debian GIS would serve as additional speaker and bring in more ideas for this meeting. Tracks:
Amsterdam |
Tuesday 17:00 - 17:45 CEST | |
Debsources as a Platform -- Matthieu Caneill
Speakers: Stefano Zacchiroli, Matthieu Caneill
Debsources provides Web access to all of Debian source code. Debsources allows to browse, search, and render Debian source code, as well as compute code metrics and statistics that encompass all available source packages. This talk will emphasize new features being developed, mainly by two GSoC students and a former Outreachy intern. On the one hand, Debsources is being extended to scale better, by switching the Debsources updater to an asynchronous architecture. This change allows to distribute indexing tasks over multiple workers, potentially running on multiple independent machines. It also allows to easily re-index previously indexed data in batch (e.g., upon changes to the available indexing plugins, or when injecting new releases from scratch), a use case that is challenging to support properly with the current synchronous architecture. On the other hand, requests to extend Debsources with new features and to support new use cases, not always related to source code publishing, are on the raise. We want to address them by turning Debsources into a base software platform capable of running multiple Web applications on top of the same underlying database. The Debsources code base is being refactored to make this possible. As concrete use cases to test this change we are developing 2 new Web applications on top of Debsources: 1) a "" web app, allowing to browse, search, render, and export debian/copyright files; 2) a "patch tracker" web app to publish details about the source code differences that Debian packages carry with respect to upstream releases of the same software. Tracks:
Heidelberg |
Tuesday 18:00 - 18:45 CEST | |
Debian Games BoF -- Andreas Tille
Speaker: Andreas Tille
While not beeing an active member of the Debian Games Blend I'd like to reserve a slot for all those games enthusiasts in Debian to meet in one place and discuss common issues. I'd like to present some teammetrics stats and give some short introduction into the Blends GSoC project to rewrite Blends tasks pages to ask for comments about potential enhancements which could help the Debian Games team. I'd be more than happy if somebody of pkg-games would serve as additional speaker and bring in more ideas for this meeting. Tracks:
Helsinki |
Thursday 11:00 - 11:45 CEST | |
Debian derivatives panel -- Paul Wise
Speaker: Paul Wise
A panel bringing together different representatives of Debian and our derivatives. We will introduce represented derivatives, discuss their relationships with Debian, what they need from Debian, what Debian needs from them and strategies for integration. People who are interested in joining the panel are explicitly invited to contact me. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Thursday 14:00 - 14:45 CEST | |
Debian derivatives infra work session -- Paul Wise
Speaker: Paul Wise
During this session we will introduce Debian's derivatives related infrastructure, work on improving it and figure out plans for the future. Tracks:
Stockholm |
Friday 11:00 - 11:45 CEST | |
Debian derivatives discussion -- Paul Wise
Speaker: Paul Wise
Debian is the basis for a number of other software distributions. This BoF provides a space for representatives from derivatives and Debian to share experiences, find out what is is being worked on and discuss problems, solutions and tools. We will begin with a quick round of introductions and then begin open discussion. Tracks:
Helsinki |
Friday 15:00 - 15:45 CEST | |
Maintaining 8000 Packages - Large Scale Package QA in the PostgreSQL Ecosystem -- Christoph Berg
Speaker: Christoph Berg
While the Debian archive only contains a single PostgreSQL version per distribution, upstreams supports five concurrent branches plus the devel/beta versions. The repository extends the Debian packaging of the PostgreSQL server packages to cover the full cross product of all branches times seven Debian and Ubuntu releases times currently two architectures. On top of that, various PostgreSQL extension packages are built. This talk is about the lessons learned while maintaining this package set and how automated testing helps to ensure high quality. Ingredients are pg_regress, jenkins, jenkins-debian-glue, autopkgtest, dpkg and reprepro tweaks, and automation tools from postgresql-common. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Friday 17:00 - 17:45 CEST | |
Debian Med BoF -- Andreas Tille
Speaker: Andreas Tille
People interested in software for biology and medical care should meet in one room and we should talk about the current status of Debian Med and future developments. This is the usual Debian Med meeting at DebConf. Tracks:
Helsinki |
Saturday 11:00 - 11:20 CEST | |
Lernstick - A Debian derivative for Schools in Switzerland -- Gaudenz Steinlin
Speaker: Gaudenz Steinlin
The "Lernstick" is a Debian derivative built with Debian Live for Schools in Switzerland. It exists in two variants. The original variant is intended as a mobile learning environment on an USB stick. Students can carry their personal computing environment in their pocket thanks to a Live system installed on the stick. The second variant is called "Lernstick exam environment" and is a stripped down version for "Bring your own device" exams. This version provides a restricted environment for exams which can be carried out using the students own computers without compromising the integrity of the exam. The goal of this talk is to give an overview of the Lernstick system and to show how it leverages Debian and Debian Live to provide a Linux distribution targeted at schools. I will also talk about further collaboration possibilities with Debian (eg. Debian EDU/Soklelinux, Debian Blends). While the Lernstick project has always been Free Software we have only just begun to make the project more accessible to outside contributors. We would like to encourage more contributions in the future. The Lernstick distribution is developed by a unit of the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland. I work part time as a freelancer on the technical implementation of the Lernstick. Tracks:
Berlin/London |
Saturday 11:00 - 11:45 CEST | |
Debian Science BoF -- Andreas Tille
Speaker: Andreas Tille
This is the usual Debian Science meeting at DebConf. If you are a scientist and have some interest in scientific packages please show up and try to contribute ideas how Debian Science could enhance. Items to discuss in this meeting - Debian Science team policy - Status of citation usage - Maintaining Blends tasks (Sponsering of Blends) - More specific Blends (dedicated to Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, etc.) - Screenshots - Snapshots of specific versions This is just a continuation from previous DebConfs considering recent development Tracks:
Helsinki |
Debian derivatives patches work session -- Paul Wise
Speaker: Paul Wise
The Debian derivatives census is generating source package debdiffs between Debian and our derivatives. We'll review how it works, get stuck into reviewing patches and finish up with a brain dump of what we saw, possible issues in the patch generator and future plans for derivatives patches. Tracks:
Stockholm |