The "Lernstick" is a Debian derivative built with Debian Live for Schools in Switzerland. It exists in two variants. The original variant is intended as a mobile learning environment on an USB stick. Students can carry their personal computing environment in their pocket thanks to a Live system installed on the stick. The second variant is called "Lernstick exam environment" and is a stripped down version for "Bring your own device" exams. This version provides a restricted environment for exams which can be carried out using the students own computers without compromising the integrity of the exam. The goal of this talk is to give an overview of the Lernstick system and to show how it leverages Debian and Debian Live to provide a Linux distribution targeted at schools. I will also talk about further collaboration possibilities with Debian (eg. Debian EDU/Soklelinux, Debian Blends). While the Lernstick project has always been Free Software we have only just begun to make the project more accessible to outside contributors. We would like to encourage more contributions in the future. The Lernstick distribution is developed by a unit of the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland. I work part time as a freelancer on the technical implementation of the Lernstick.
Video of Lernstick - A Debian derivative for Schools in Switzerland