dh-dist-zilla is a debhelper plugin which allows you to build Debian packages of your own Dist::Zilla based CPAN distributions (i.e. Perl modules) without having to first generate all the files by debhelper.
dh-dist-zilla calls "dzil build" and friends for you in a transparent way, so that you can build you Debian package from the very same VCS checkout (which usually doesn't contain any generated files like Makefile.PL or Build.PL) from which you would also build the CPAN distribution of your Perl module.
URLs: Code: https://github.com/elmar/dh-dist-zilla Slides: http://noone.org/talks/pkg-perl/ Package: https://packages.qa.debian.org/dh-dist-zilla Example package built with dh-dist-zilla: https://packages.debian.org/experimental/librun-parts-perl