Esperantujeto: learn (about) Esperanto -- Ryan Lortie

2014-08-26 16:00..16:45 in Room 329

Casual session for those who are interested in learning (about) Esperanto.

(from Wikipedia)

Esperanto (/ɛspəˈrɑːntoʊ/ or /-ræntoʊ/; [espeˈranto] is the most widely spoken constructed international auxiliary language.

Between 100,000 and 2,000,000 people worldwide fluently or actively speak Esperanto, including perhaps 1,000 native speakers who learned Esperanto from birth. Esperanto has a notable presence in 112 countries. Its usage is highest in Europe, East Asia, and South America

We'll discuss:

  • what it is

  • why it was created

  • some basics about the structure of the language

  • online resources to help with learning it

  • Esperanto culture and community


Ryan Lortie